seit 2002
Eigene Praxis
2000 – 2004
Ärztlicher Leiter Orthoptik, Inselspital Bern
1997 – 2002
Oberarzt Ophthalmologie, Universitäts-Augenklinik Bern (Prof. Dr. med. F. Körner) Ausbildung in Lidplastischer Chirurgie, Krankenhaus der barmherzigen Brüder, Trier, (Prof. Dr. med. H. Hübner) Ausbildung in Strabismuschirurgie, Augenklinik der Universität Giessen (Prof Dr. med. H. Kauffmann)
1994 – 1997
Ophthalmic Pathology Fellowship, Dept. of Ophthalmology, University of Wisconsin-Madison (Dr. D.M. Albert, M.D.)
1992 – 1994
Assistent Ophthalmologie, Universitäts-Augenklinik Bern (Prof. Dr. med. F. Körner)
1992 – 1993
Assistent Ophthalmologie, Universitäts-Augenklinik Zürich (Prof. Dr. med. B. Gloor)
1991 – 1992
Assistent Chirurgie, Bezirksspital Wattenwil
FMGEMS, ECFMG (USA Staatsexamen)
1984 – 1990
Medizinstudium an der Universität Bern mit Staatsexamen
Imesch P, Berdat P. Koronarrevascularisation mit der A. thoraciaca interna, Frühresultate
Imesch PD, Bindley CD, Khademian Z, Ladd B, Gangnon R, Albert DM, Wallow, IHL: Melanocytes and Iris Color: Electron Microscopic Findings. Archives of Ophthalmology 114:443-447, 1996
Brandt CR, Spencer B, Imesch P, Garneau M. Deziel. Reevaluation of a peptidometic ribonucleotide reductase inhibitor with a murine model of herpes simplex virus type I ocular disease. Antimicrobial Agents & Chemotherapy. 40(5):1078-1084, 1996.
Imesch PD, Wallow IHL, Albert DM. The Color of the human eye: A Review of morphologic correlates and some conditions that affect iridial pigmentation. Accepted for publication in Survey of Ophthalmology. 41(suppl 2); S117-23, 1997
Brandt CR, Pascal D. Imesch, Nancy R. Robinson, Nasreen A. Syed, Seema Untawale, Soesiawati R. Darjatmoko, Richard J. Chappell, Paul Heinzelman, Daniel M. Albert: Treatment of spontaneously arising retinoblastoma tumors in transgenic mice with an attenuated herpes simplex virus mutant. Virology 229, 283-291 (1997)
Brandt CR; Imesch P; Spencer B; Eliassi-Rad B; Syed NA; Untawale S; Robinson NL, Albert DM: The herpes simplex virus type 1 ribonucleotide reductase is required for acute retinal disease. Arch Virol 1997;142(5):883-96
Imesch PD, Bindley CD, Wallow IHL. Clinicopathologic correlation of intraretinal microvascular abnormalities. Retina 17:321-329 (1997)
Brandt CR, Imesch PD, Robinson NL, Syed NA, Untawale S, Darjatmoko SR, Chappell RJ, Heinzelman P, Albert DM: Treatment of spontaneously arising retinoblastoma tumors in transgenic mice with an attenuated herpes simplex virus mutant. Virology. 1997, 229(1):283-91.
Pedroli GL, Garweg JG, Imesch P, Böhnke M: Varicella zoster virus and atypical necrotizing retinopathies in HIV and AIDS patients. Klin Monbl Augenheilkd. 1998; 212(5):353-5.
Choi RY, Lucarelli MJ, Imesch PD, Hafez GR, Albert DM, Dortzbach RK. Primary orbital Ewing sarcoma in a middle-aged woman. Arch Ophthalmol. 1999;117(4):535-7.
Frueh BE, Dubuis O, Imesch P, Böhnke M, Bodmer T. Mycobacterium szulgai keratitis. Arch Ophthalmol. 2000;118(8):1123-4.
Schlamp CL, Thliveris AT, Li Y, Kohl LP, Knop C, Dietz JA, Larsen IV, Imesch P, Pinto LH, Nickells RW. Insertion of the beta Geo promoter trap into the Fem1c gene of ROSA3 mice. Mol Cell Biol. 2004;24(9):3794-803.
Müri RM, Klimmeck E, Imesch P. Intermittent diplopia after prolonged downward gaze to the right: what is the differential diagnosis? Rev Neurol (Paris). 2005;161(5):575-7
Müri RM, Klimmeck E, Imesch P. Persistent visual problems thirty years after severe head trauma. Rev Neurol (Paris). 2005;161(5):602-4.
Imesch P., Sarra G.-M. Umstellung des Therapieschemas pro re nata (PRN) auf Treat and Extend (T&E) in der intravitrealen Therapie mit Anti-VEGF-Medikamenten in der Praxis oder kleineren Institutionen. Klin Monatsbl Augenheilkd 2016, DOI: 10.1055/s-0042-118184
Imesch PD, Albert D M. Ocular Syndromes associated with systemic malignancy in Albert DM, Jakobiec F (eds), Principles and Practice of Ophthalmology, Saunders; 2 edition (1999)
Imesch PD. Anesthesia for Cataract surgery in Albert DM (ed) Principles and Practice of Ophthalmic Surgery, Wiley-Blackwell, 1999
Imesch PD. Ocular Tuberculosis in Schlossberg D (ed) Tuberculosis 4th edition, Saunders 1999X
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